Bleeko the Human Valkyrie 2009-11-28: Ascended in 34590 turns DevNull tournament server version 3.4.3 After ascending the archaeologist, I though that I was pretty much done for the 2009 tournament, but I wanted to beat the Grue challenge. I started trying with Gnomish Wizards (for the light spell), but was just having trouble keeping them in one piece. Switching to a Valk make things much easier. After beating the challenge, I still had a few days and a pretty good character, so I kept playing. The end of the month was rapidly approaching and we were traveling for Thanksgiving, so I changed my normally slow and cautious to playing style to cut out anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. It worked out well, and I finished a full 10k turns faster than ever before, and a full 20k turns faster than my average time. I got some good breaks, including finding gauntlets of power and a bag of holding, but had one rough spot while mapping my way up from bottom level. I had found a new potion and suspected it might be polymorph, so I dipped a dozen blessed blank scrolls to see. I got a message that "Nothing Happens" so I figured it was something else and dipped my unicorn horn ... suddenly I had a blessed bag of tricks! Doh! The next level up was Juibilex, so I retreated back down and wrested my last wish for a new horn :-) In the end, this was the third ascention in the tournament, with the female neutral valkyrie combining with the male lawful archaeologist, and chaotic female barbarian to cover all genders and alignments and get a "Double Top" recognition trophy. I also beat the new DigDug challenge as well as the PacMan and Grue challenges.![]()